Our Projects

Patient Welfare Fund


Yebilaptsa Hospital, Zhemgang receive patients from all levels of social strata. There are many patients/parties who are in dire need of financial support. Especially those orphans, disability & old people neglected from the family. There are cases like patients being discharged and they are left with no money to travel back home, some patients stay in welfare homes, some patients die and the family/relative have no money for the cremation or to take the dead body back home, some patients are referred to the higher centers for specialized treatment but refuse to go saying they do not have any additional money despite government bear all travel expenses, also there are cases of unclaimed dead bodies. In order to support patients/parties needing financial support Patient Welfare Fund (PWF) shall be instituted to support and help needy patients or families/relatives coming from socio-economically disadvantaged background.

The PWF shall be instituted with the objectives of providing financial assistance to the poor economically disadvantaged patients admitted to Yebilaptsa Hospital.

Eligibility Criteria:

Support the patients, if economically disadvantaged & in the following situations:
a. At the time of discharge of the patients from the hospital, helping the patient & attendant with their travel expenses.
b. Poor mothers after the delivery of the baby.
c. Poor patients during the referral to the higher centers ( CRRH, JDWNRH)
d. Poor family/relatives for the disposal of dead body.
e. Poor patients staying in welfare homes.
f. Facilitate the cremation of unclaimed dead bodies, for those patients who die in the hospitals.
g. For those patients awaiting organ transplant, admitted to this hospital – Nu. 500 as donation.


The fund will not be applicable to the following:
a. OPD Patients.
b. Any disorders related to alcohol/other substances.

Fund generation:

The fund for the PWF shall be generated by following means:
a. Penalty incurred for absence during social work on Saturdays 
b. Rental charges from the hospital cafeteria/canteen/cabin ( only after obtaining approval for including rental charge in the PWF)
c. Collection from donation boxes.
d. Donations from individual/group/tourist/expatriates.

Accountability of PWF:

1. Fund collected from above sources will be credited to BNBL saving account number jointly held by Medical Officer In-Charge and Administrative Officer.
2. All three committee members must sign on the money receipt. 
3. Money will be given either to patient or in case of children to parent with dully signed money receipt.
4. Money in donation boxes to be counted in presence of at least three members.

Terms of reference

1. Individual working in hospital would donate as per their wishes.
2. Formation of Committee member.
3. Committee member should meet quarterly for cash verification.
4. Proper documentation/register should be maintained for the cash donor & recipient.
5. Beneficiary should be selected and verified by at least in presence of three members.
6. All committee members shall extend the full cooperation in expansion & sustainability of the Patient Welfare Fund. 
7. Donation boxes are kept each in IPD and OPD.
8. Fund raising events with the health messages are planned in future for the benefit of the public.
9. All new health staff transferred here are the member of the fund.
10. May plan to seek help from Dzongkhag Administration.

Patient Welfare Committee:

1. Medical Officer In-charge (chairman)            2. Administrative officer

3. OPD in-charge                                            4. Ward In-charge 

5. Store in-charge

NB: This proposal has been endorsed by District Governor of Zhemgang, keeping in mind the need of poor patients availing services from this hospital. This hospital administration is in the process of setting up donation boxes within hospital, Looking for any kind of donors i.e. cash, clothes.

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